There is absolutely no need to contact us for the shipping charges!
Please use our website to calculate shipping charges, for domestic, express, and international orders. If our website can't calculate it, we can't ship it.
You will see the charges before you confirm your order, so if they are unacceptable to you, all you need to do is close the page.
To calculate the charges, just add your desired items to your order (the 'online shopping cart'), and then go to checkout and enter your information. The website will ask you for your information which we need either way to calculate the charges. The website will then calculate and show you the charges automatically and instantly - no picking up the phone or waiting for us to get back to you.
If your total shipping charge for a domestic (shipping to United States) order calculates to over $200, we might be able to offer a better rate by shipping through a slower freight carrier. Please contact us if your domestic shipping charge is over $200 and you're not in a hurry.
If your total shipping charge for an international order calculates to over $1000, we might be able to offer a better rate by shipping through ocean freight. Please contact us if your international shipping charge is over $1000 and you're not in a hurry.